Projects + Papers
Below is a selection of my academic and professional work including conference presentations, poster presentations, final essays, and lab reports.
“Can I Buy You (a Drink)?”
Society of Marketing Advances annual conference in New Orleans, LA
Conference Paper + Presentation
November 2019

“Country Profiles Provide Cultural Immersion Without Borders: A Peer-to-Peer Teaching Project for an International Marketing Class”
Conference Paper + Presentation
Association of Marketing Theory and Practice 31st annual conference in Hilton Head, SC
March 2023

“Using AI as a learning assessment tool: Proposal and pilot-self test for using AI to measure learning in an International Marketing Class”
Conference Paper + Presentation
Association of Marketing Theory and Practice 31st annual conference in Hilton Head, SC
March 2023

“Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling for Cultural Evolution”
Powerpoint presentation based on 'Individual-Based Models of Cultural Evolution: A Step-by-Step Guide Using R' Book By Alberto Acerbi, Alex Mesoudi, Marco Smolla
Presentation by Keeley Mei-ling Meetze

MSc Psychology: Culture and Evolution Coursework
Center of Cultural Evolution
Brunel University London

Poster Presentation
PY5614: Evolutionary Perspectives on Culture
Team Taught by: Dr. Will Gervais, Dr. Abigail Page, Dr. Matthew Gervais, Dr. Mícheál de Barra, Dr. James Winters, & Dr. Aiyana Willard
Center of Cultural Evolution
Brunel University London

Final Essay
Prompt: "Critically review evolutionary literature which addresses sex differences in both the perpetuation of and defence against antagonistic mating strategies. First, describe what sex differences (if any) exist, and then critique the representation of women in this body of literature."
PY5615: Special Topics in Culture and
Team Taught by: Dr. Michael Price, Dr. Stanley Gaines, Dr. Will Gervais, Dr. Nelli Ferenczi, Dr. Nicole Wen, Dr. Francisco Gómez Jiménez, Dr. Mícheál de Barra, & Dr. Lora Adair
Center of Cultural Evolution
Brunel University London

Lab Report
"A Cross-Cultural Exploratory Analysis of Sex Differences in Freedom of Choice Perceptions"
PY5613: Cross-Cultural and Evolutionary
Research Methods
Team Taught by: Dr. Aiyana Willard, Dr. Abigail Page, Dr. James Winters, Dr. Lora Adair, & Dr. Matthew Gervais
Center of Cultural Evolution
Brunel University London

Final Essay
Prompt: "Critically examine the evidence that there is important variation in cognitive styles across cultures"
PY5705: Foundations of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Team Taught by: Dr. Nelli Ferenczi, Dr. Toshi Imada, Dr. Stanley Gaines, Dr. Nicole Wen, Dr. Francisco Gómez Jiménez, & Dr. Matthew Gervais
Center of Cultural Evolution
Brunel University London

Lab Report
"Using An Evolutionary Framework As Basis For Exploring The Impact Of The Interaction Between Anxiety And Chronotype On Creativity"
PY5630: Research Methods and Statistics
Taught by: Dr. Ray Norbury
Brunel University London

Final Essay
Prompt: "In its early days cognitive psychology ignored both the brain and the body, focusing almost exclusively on
information processing and abstract mental representations. Explain why many cognitive psychologists
became convinced it was useful to incorporate the brain into an extended framework. In your answer
refer to relevant studies, theories, framework and ideas (both recent and pioneering)."
PY5612: Historical and Contemporary Issues in Psychology
Taught by: Dr. Noam Sagiv
Brunel University London

Formative Essay
Prompt: “Psychology has a long past but only a short history”.
Discuss the quote above (attributed to Hermann Ebbinghaus).
If you haven’t already guessed – this gives you some flexibility with the content. A good answer will trace the origins of and development of ideas, theories, and debates on what we now
consider to be psychological questions, throughout history, before psychology was established as an academic discipline in its own right. With a word limit of only 1000 words, it is inevitable that you will be unable to cover all there is to say, or even just the relevant bits in the main textbook and/or lectures."
PY5612: Historical and Contemporary Issues in Psychology
Taught by: Dr. Noam Sagiv
Brunel University London